A Plan for Regathering
Regathering for Worship
What will it look like?
As we plan for the transition back to in-person gathering in our church building, the Church of the Redeemer leadership and staff are looking to several sources for assistance. First, we will continue to be led by our Bishop, following closely the diocesan guidelines for this time. Likewise, we remain attentive to and grateful for the requirements and recommendations outlined by our state authorities.
We have recently formed three teams to gather the information needed to make decisions about re-gathering: First is our Data Collection team, led by Senior Warden Emily von Allmen. This group will seek parishioner feedback about our current state, and about possible ways forward over the next few months. We know this time of distancing and isolation has made communication and feedback more challenging, but your input is essential to our planning process. In the next few days, please look for an online survey, and please take the time to participate as you are able. [Watch for the survey to be sent out on Friday, June 19 in the eNews!]
Secondly, is our CARE (Covid Advisory and Response Experts) team. This team is co-led by Parish Health Minister Becca Morehous and Junior Warden Jeff Brokamp; it is composed of parishioners with expert medical and public health credentials. They have been tasked with considering the health and safety implications of our transition timing.
And lastly, is our Online Worship Team, led by Anny Stevens-Gleason. This team consists of staff members who have been charged since March 13 with the task of providing an online worship presence for all. We are aware that different members of our church will be willing or able to return to in-person worship at different stages of this pandemic. We each have our own set of life and health circumstances, and these give us differing understandings of an appropriate timeline for social interactions. The Online Worship Team’s goal in the next few months will be to develop a worship service that serves both in-person and online worship attendees. Those who continue to worship from home will remain genuinely connected to the liturgy of the church. Please continue to pray for Church of the Redeemer as we begin this journey
Tags: Redeemer Online