Acolyte Training
Sunday, September 8, 2024, 10:00 AM
Calling all current acolytes and those interested in becoming an acolyte between 10-18 years old.
We will host training on Sunday, September 8. The training session will begin at 10am during education hour, continue into the 11am worship service, and end around 12:30pm in the sanctuary. The training sessions will involve instructional time from 10am-11:30am, a break for lunch at 11:30am, then end with hands-on training once the Banquet service is over in the sanctuary. Participants should plan to participate in all gatherings their schedule allows for.
If you are a new participant on the acolyte team, please register here to let us know you will be joining!
Any questions can be directed to Todd Schwartz, Acoolyte Coordinator.
Tags: Acolytes / Family Ministry / Club CoR (Grades 1-4) / Middle CoR (Grades 5-6) / CoR Youth (Grades 7-12) / Events